regardless if I use a current CVS or the latest snapshot from
snaps.php.net, my 'make' stops with this:
gcc -I. -I/mnt/data/cvs/php4/ext/standard -I/mnt/data/cvs/php4/main
-I/mnt/data/cvs/php4 -I/mnt/data/cvs/php4/Zend
-I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/mnt/data/cvs/php4/ext/mysql/libmysql
-I/mnt/data/cvs/php4/ext/xml/expat -I/usr/local/include 
-I/mnt/data/cvs/php4/TSRM -g -O2  -c var_unserializer.c && touch
/usr/src/web/php/php4/ext/standard/var_unserializer.re:1: php.h:
Permission denied
ext/standard/php_var.h: Permission denied
php_incomplete_class.h: Permission denied

the executing user is the owner of these files and read permissions are
set properly. the corresponding lines in var_unserializer.re are
#include "file" statements. I cannot imagine what is wrong here. With
the root user it compiles fine. I am running FreeBSD 4.4 Release.

Q: Thank Jan? A: http://geschenke.an.dasmoped.net/

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