I think the problem here is that $varone_foo  is the valid form of a
variable.... so:


is getting parsed as a single variable called $varone_foo

PHP is *smart* enough to know that foo_$varone is not a valid name for a
variable or constant, and it goes out of its way to implicitly treat it


instead of


You mentioned that in your example, $vartwo is not "blah_foo" as expected...
if you cranked your error reporting, you'll probably get an error like
"$varone_foo is not a valid variable"

-Brian Tanner


=> The resulting contents of $vartwo is not "blah_foo" as expected. You can
only get the desired result by having $vartwo= $varone . "_foo";

However something like $vartwo="foo_$varone" works as expected =>

Is this a language construct issue perhaps?

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=11512&edit=1

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