Platform info:
Apache 1.3.14
PHP 4.0.4
JDK 1.2.2 FCS
RedHat 7.0 (all updates applied from RHN)

In order to get ext/java to compile correctly, I had to hard code values
into ext/java/config.m4 - apparently it wasn't able to autodetect all
the proper lib settings to be able to compile and to allow configure to
complete successfully. I can include a diff of the config.m4 if
necessary and a description of the problems I was experiencing before
modifying config.m4.

Note: ext/java works ... I'm able to instantiate new Java classes (both
system & ones I've provided). However, after two script use ext/java
(doesn't seem to matter how many Java classes are instantiated - it
appears to be a problem with creating the JVM), I get the following
message in my syslog:

httpd: PHP Fatal error: Unable to create Java Virtual Machine in
<myfile> on line 54

No subsequent loads can access Java classes - I have to restart Apache.
When I do this, the following appears in the Apache error_log:

[Mon Jan 8 17:45:14 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Jan 8 17:45:14 2001] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 
security properties not found. using defaults.
security properties not found. using defaults.
security properties not found. using defaults.
SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
si_errno [0]: Success
si_code [0]: SI_USER [pid: 0, uid: 0]

Full thread dump Classic VM (Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, native threads):
"Thread-0" (TID:0x411506a8, sys_thread_t:0x819bd28, state:CW, native
ID:0xc04) prio=5
"Reference Handler" (TID:0x411433b0, sys_thread_t:0x8196b20,
state:CW, native ID:0x803) prio=10
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(, Compiled Code)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$
"SIGQUIT handler" (TID:0x411433e0, sys_thread_t:0x81964b0, state:R,
native ID:0x402) prio=5
"main" (TID:0x411431e0, sys_thread_t:0x810b5d8, state:R, native
ID:0x400) prio=5
Monitor Cache Dump:
java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@411433C0/41178B20: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Reference Handler" (0x8196b20)
java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@41143338/41179028: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Thread-0" (0x819bd28)
Registered Monitor Dump:
PCMap lock: <unowned>
utf8 hash table: <unowned>
JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
BinClass lock: <unowned>
Class linking lock: <unowned>
System class loader lock: <unowned>
Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
Heap lock: <unowned>
Monitor cache lock: owner "Reference Handler" (0x8196b20) 1 entry
Thread queue lock: owner "Reference Handler" (0x8196b20) 1 entry
Waiting to be notified:
"Thread-0" (0x819bd28)
Monitor registry: owner "Reference Handler" (0x8196b20) 1 entry

SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
si_errno [0]: Success
si_code [0]: SI_USER [pid: 0, uid: 0]
[Mon Jan 8 17:47:13 2001] [warn] child process 24763 still did not
exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Mon Jan 8 17:47:17 2001] [error] child process 24763 still did not
exit, sending a SIGKILL
[Mon Jan 8 17:47:17 2001] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

Any help or pointers on this would be greatly appreciated. I have
absolutely no idea what's going on here. It appears that this will
happen if I run my relatively complex script or if I run the include
jver.php script - doesn't matter *what* Java is doing, simply creating a
JVM appears to be the problem.

TIA & Regards,
Brice Ruth
WebProjkt, Inc.
VP, Director of Internet Technology

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