PHP General


      Subject: WML & PHP4 using same variable
      Author: Kato Strandjord (
      Date:   06/02/2001 15:41

      I use apache server on win2000, php4, mysql and wml which I test local
on my harddrive.

      The code under is working fine when I test it on emulators like UP SDK
from or other, but i have fooled it to use static variables which
is not the solution i want.
      My problem is. How can I use my variable:
      print "<select name=\"fagkode\">";
      in this code under so that I can use its value in my php function:
      I can see the WML variable if i print it out in WML, but i can not
print it out as a variable in PHP. I have fooled the php function and put a
static variable in it, instead of the dynamic WML variable, which is
generated from a select list. I have tried for a week but al kinds of tricks
did not work. At one time i got the value from WML to PHP, but it came out
like this "=so480". The sign = was impossible to remove, so i could not use
it. The correct value is "so480" with out the "="

      // send wml headers
      header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
      echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
      echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""
      . " \"\">";

      <card id="card1" title="Example 2">
      print "<select name=\"fagkode\">";//HELP1
      require ("funksjoner.php");
      if (mysql_num_rows($tabfag) > 0)

      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($tabfag))

      print "<option value=\"$row[fagkode]\">$row[fagbeskrivelse]</option>";

      <anchor title="go">
      print "go $(fagkode)";//testing if i can see the WML variable from
HELP1, and i can, but i can not use it in my PHP function
      <go href="#dato"/>

      <card id="dato" title="dato">
      <p><select name="dato">//HELP2
      $fagnr="so480";//fooling the function with a static code, but this
should be the HELP1
      $tabfag=finnMeldinger($fagnr);//this is the main problem, Impossible
to solve!!!!
      if (mysql_num_rows($tabfag) > 0)

      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($tabfag))

      print "<option value=\"$row[dato]\">$row[dato]</option>";
      <anchor title="go">
      go $(fagkode) $(dato)// just another test, and is working fine so i
can see both WML variables from other cards
      <go href="#meld"/>

      <card id="meld" title="meld">
      $datonr="051201";//fooling the function, but this should be the WML
varibeles value in HELP"
      $meldingen=finnMelding($fagnr,$datonr);// using the static value,
should be HELP1 and HELP2 dynamic value instead!!
      print "$meldingen";

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