From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Class/Object related
Bug description:  call_user_method() bug (it won't change properties)

I've run into this already a year ago and now again: The call_user_method() function 
does not correctly change the properties of the object it's called upon - OR (what I 
assume) it copies the called object. Just try the code below - the counter remains on 
4, not 6 as supposed. 

(I also tried to pass the obj. by reference: call_user_method ("increase", &$t); - it 
didn't help)

class test 
var $a=0; 

function increase() 
echo "a is now: ".$this->a."\n


$t = new test(); 

echo "Direct calls:\n

echo "
\n\nIndirect calls:\n

call_user_method ("increase", $t); 
call_user_method ("increase", $t); 
call_user_method ("increase", $t);

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