From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Any
PHP version:      4.0.5
PHP Bug Type:     *General Issues
Bug description:  ISAPI access violation bug reports get 'closed' but never fixed!!

ISAPI access-violation bug reports get 'closed' but never fixed!! Moreover, there's 
never or rarely a bug number mentioned to cross reference to a master entry so that 
users can see what's going on with this.

I took a look for 'ISAPI', then did a CTRL-F for 'access violoation', and all but the 
recent ones are all fixed even though many of them are VERY reproducable! Yet when I 
open them, they're always written off as 'not enough information' or duplicate and 

Unforntunatly, this is having the effect of reinforcing Microsofts arguments against 
open source reliability. I'd hate to see this (PHP) start to fail because CGI or the 
apache_mod are the only viable operating solutions for heavy load sites..... People 
where I work are already mandating migrating everything to Java for just these reasons 

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