From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Apache related
Bug description:  Page Not found error after setting (max_execution_time  to 10800)


I am  using Apache/PHP and using ORACLE as the  database in Linux enviroment. 
I uploaded a file of size 50MB. and when I am trying to read each record and add it to 
database I got page not found error after 1hr. But in the backgroup still it is adding 
into the database. I modifed all the configuration in php.ini file 
max_script_execution , sesssion_gc_maxsize .....etc and http.conf file TimeOut, 
KeepAliveTime paramets. But the efforts are in vain.
How to stop this error?? do I need to set any other parameters either in php.ini or in 
http.conf file to over come this problem.

Thanx in Advance

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