From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: W2000
PHP version:      4.0.4
PHP Bug Type:     SNMP related
Bug description:  Cannot get, set or walk on different subtree than .iso.

If seems that a default OID (.iso.  is always added to OID parameter when I 
call snmpget or snmpwalk.

Example, If I try :


it will try to get .iso.
so it fails....
with warning ".iso." doesn't exists

I modify php_snmp.dll when I saw with an dll editor the string . inside and 
I replace first of his char by \0, from now, it works fine, I can get different OID.

Bonus Question : What is snmprealwalk() function ? There is no information in 
documentation. It seems that it does same function that snmpwalkoid. Right ?

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