From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: RedHat Linux 7
PHP version:      4.0.3pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Compile Problem
Bug description:  --with-dom option gets ignored

We have over 100 servers running 4.0.3pl1 and we recently tried to install DOM 
support.  I am using the following configuration:

"./configure" \
"--with-config-file-path=/web/webny/adm/php" \
"--with-mysql=/opt/db/mysql/product/3.23.29a-gamma" \
"--with-oracle=/opt/db/oracle/product/current" \
"--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/lib" \
"--prefix=/web/webny/adm/php" \
"--with-oci8=/opt/db/oracle/product/current" \
"--with-curl=/usr/local/lib" \
"--with-xml" \
"--with-dom=/usr/local/lib" \
"--disable-posix" \

It seems like the --with-dom option is not being honored, I get the following:

^[[1mConfiguring extensions^[[m
checking for ASPELL support... no
checking whether to enable bc style precision math functions... no
checking whether to enable calendar conversion support... no
checking CCVS Support... no
checking whether to include cpdflib support... no
checking for CURL support... yes
checking for CURL in default path... found in /usr/local
checking for CyberCash support... no
checking whether to enable DAV support through mod_dav... no
checking whether to include old xDBM support... no
checking whether to enable DBA... no
checking for GDBM support... no
checking for NDBM support... no
checking for Berkeley DB2 support... no
checking for Berkeley DB3 support... no
checking for DBM support... no
checking for CDB support... no
checking whether to enable DBA interface... no
checking whether to enable the bundled dbase library... no
checking whether to include DOM support... no

Is there a fix for this for THIS version of PHP?  We would prefer not to have to 
upgrade all of our machines.

Any help is appreciated.

Edit Bug report at:

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