From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Win 98
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     ODBC related
Bug description:  error using ODBC

I am using a database called " RECITAL ".  I am trying to connect myself using ODBC.  
When executing the command: odbc_exec($connect, $query) I can revise the connection 
from the database and indeed her ago.  But then treatment of consenting to the data 
using any function ODBC, for example:   
odbc_result_all($connect, BGCOLOR = ' #AAFFAA ' border=3 width=30% bordercolordark = ' 
#FF0000 '");  
 and it throws me this error:  
Warning: Not tuples available at this result index in programa/apache c:/archivos 
group/apache/htdocs/b.html on line 7  
I need to know if they can help me with this.  
thank you.  
(the table if it exists, some fields is: nlocal,ncontr)  
This is the program php:  
  function to () {   
$connect = odbc_connect (" dig ", " root ", cir0921, " SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC ");   
$query = SELECT * local FROM";   
$result = odbc_exec($connect, $query);   
while(odbc_fetch_row($result)) {   
 echo id:$id,pass:$pass   
return true;   
} / / a  
        echo"Lines Before";   
        $bb = a();  
           echo " Lines Later";  

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