From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Seawolf (Red hat)
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     IMAP related
Bug description:  IMAP_UID doen't return what it should

From: "Rick Gigger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  All email messages have a unique 
identifier.  It is a long string that ususally contains a domiain name or ip address.  
It is unique to all email addresses in the world.  It would be much, much more useful 
if imap_uid would return that instead.

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-03 15:36:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You might have the wrong idea of what uid is - what do you expect it to be? On pop 
servers the message uid will very likely just _be_ the message number...


[2000-10-27 03:30:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When I call connect to a qmail pop server and call imap_uid all it does is return the 
message number back to me.  It DOES NOT return the uid.  I have to call imap_header 
for that and it is very slow.


Edit Bug report at:

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