From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Redhat 7.0
PHP version:      4.0.5
PHP Bug Type:     HTTP related
Bug description:  File upload generates warning

When uploading a file using post, data after a closing boundary (see rfcs 1876 and 
1521). This is a boundary with two dashes added to it. If this is the case the 
remainder of the content can be ignored.
If there are more then two bytes after the last boundary in the file PHP will issue 
a(n unappropriate) warning saying that its MIME headers are garbled.
I modified "./main/rfc1876.c" as follows: (diff -p output)

*** rfc1867.c.good      Wed Jun 27 15:50:32 2001
--- rfc1867.c   Wed Jun 27 15:50:12 2001
*************** static void php_mime_split(char *buf, in
*** 142,147 ****
--- 142,152 ----
                eolsize = 1;
+             if(*(loc+len)=='-' && *(loc+len+1)=='-' ) {
+               Done=1;
+               break;
+             }
              rem -= (loc - ptr) + len + eolsize;
              ptr = loc + len + eolsize;
            } else {

Good luck to you


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