ID: 13057
Updated by: sniper
Old Summary: An error  in ingres_fetch_object()  function
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Old Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug Type: *Database Functions
Operating System: Linux  Mandrake 7.2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:


(hint: Check the parameters this function accepts)

Previous Comments:

[2001-08-30 07:53:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An error  due to 2 databases connect ion  at the same time 
in functuion   ingres_fetch_object() , but all okey
in function      ingres_fetch_row()
    $lin0 = ingres_connect (v16,v16,test9);                                    ??   
    $lin1 = ingres_connect (kpl,kpl,kpl  );                                    ?
?// ################## DO NOT WORK                                             ??  
    ingres_query ("select * from m01 where id = 87",$lin0);                    ??   
    while ($row = ingres_fetch_object($lin0)) {                                ??      

        printf ("</>%s|%5.5d|%32.32s|</p>",++$i,$row->id,$row->dir);            ??   
    }                                                                          ??   
    ingres_query ("select * from m01 where id = 55",$lin1);                    ??   
    while ($row = ingres_fetch_object($lin1)) {                                ??      

        printf ("</>%s|%5.5d|%32.32s|</p>",++$i,$row->id,$row->dir);            ??   
    }                                                                          ??
 / / ################## WORK                                                    ??   
    ingres_query ("select * from m01 where id = 87",$lin0);                    ??   
    while ($row = ingres_fetch_row($lin0)) {                                   ??      

        print ( "</>$row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] $row[5] $row[6]</p>");      ??   
   }                                                                          ??   
    ingres_query ("select * from m01 where id = 55",$lin1);                    ??   
    while ($row = ingres_fetch_row($lin1)) {                                   ??      

    print ( "</>$row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] $row[5] $row[6]</p>");             ??  
}                                                                          ?
?>  ?


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