ID: 6620
Updated by: jmoore
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: IIS related
PHP Version: 4.0.2
Assigned To: 

The install instructions are just a guide. People who want to run PHP on IIS in a 
production enviroment should be aware of the correct way to set things up. Setting up 
as a cgi is well documented in the manual:

- James

Previous Comments:

[2000-09-09 23:01:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Running each web site as a separate problem only seems to
lessen these access violation problems.

The installation instructions included with the win 32
binaries should instead also include an outline for
installation php.exe as a CGI instead of using
php4isapi.dll, since this seems to make these mysterious
problems disappear.


[2000-09-08 01:59:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Installation for IIS of PHP 4.0.2 says to add the php engine to the root web service.

This is not advisable when running more than one web site.

Since, (as to be expected) there are still problems in this release.  It would appear 
that random access violations disappear when you install php4isapi.dll for each web 
site (service) and have each web site (service) running as its own process.


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