[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #8746 Updated: Crash on comparing GLOBALS Variabel

2001-01-17 Thread korenhof

ID: 8746
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Reproduceable crash
Description: Crash on comparing GLOBALS Variabel

Problem solved:
I used a varible SCRIPT_NAME in a global form. Then i printed 

The program terminated because it calles:

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-17 14:30:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Toep:  (PID=2004)
Tijd: 16-01-2001 @ 22:00:18.053
Uitzonderingsnummer: c005 (schending van toegang)

*> Systeemgegevens <*
Computernaam: SEKONT
Gebruikersnaam: Administrator
Aantal processors: 1
Processortype: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3
Windows 2000-versie: 5.0
Actieve gecompileerde versie: 2195
Service Pack: 1
Huidig type: Uniprocessor Free
Geregistreerde organisatie: 
Geregistreerde eigenaar: Sebastiaan Korenhof

*> Taakoverzicht <*
   0 Idle.exe
   8 System.exe
 152 SMSS.exe
 180 csrss.exe
 200 WINLOGON.exe
 228 services.exe
 240 LSASS.exe
 404 svchost.exe
 448 SPOOLSV.exe
 488 CTSVCCDA.exe
 504 svchost.exe
 560 regsvc.exe
 588 mstask.exe
 620 stisvc.exe
 692 vsmon.exe
 740 WinMgmt.exe
 540 MsPMSPSv.exe
 356 ZIPTOA.exe
 860 minilog.exe
1056 explorer.exe
1028 devldr32.exe
 516 tisdnmon.exe
 316 CTNotify.exe
 532 ahqtb.exe
1004 cwd.exe
1216 PlexTool.exe
1224 Mediadet.exe
1248 zonealarm.exe
1260 getright.exe
1212 Apache.exe
1096 Apache.exe
1172 homesite45.exe
 296 mysqld-nt.exe
1540 IEXPLORE.exe
1952 mdm.exe
2004 php.exe
1648 DRWTSN32.exe
1820 DRWTSN32.exe
   0 _Total.exe

(0040 - 00405000) 
(77F8 - 77FFF000) 
(1000 - 100F8000) 
(77E8 - 77F3C000) 
(77E1 - 77E74000) 
(77F4 - 77F7C000) 
(7500 - 75009000) 
(74FE - 74FF4000) 
(7800 - 78046000) 
(77DB - 77E0A000) 
(77D4 - 77DB) 
(74FD - 74FD8000) 
(77A5 - 77B45000) 
(779B - 77A45000) 
(1F7D - 1F804000) 
(76B1 - 76B4D000) 
(77C7 - 77CBA000) 
(77B5 - 77BD9000) 
(7759 - 777D8000) 
(780A - 780B2000) 
(1F8C - 1F8D8000) 

Statusdump voor subproces-ID 0x684

eax=00793d98 ebx= ecx=00793b30 edx=00793b30 esi=00793d98 edi=
eip=1008d02b esp=0012feac ebp=0012ff4c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs= efl=0206

functie: virtual_fopen
1008d010 a198c90e10  ds:100ec998=0002
  mov eax,[php_ini_path+0x718 (100ec998)]
1008d015 83ec08   sub esp,0x8
1008d018 53   pushebx
1008d019 56   pushesi
1008d01a 6a00 push0x0
1008d01c 50   pusheax
1008d01d e82ec8   callts_resource_ex (10089850)
1008d022 8b5c241c mov ebx,[esp+0x1c] ss:00bcd483=
1008d026 8bf0 mov esi,eax
1008d028 83c408   add esp,0x8
Fout ->1008d02b 803b00   cmp byte ptr [ebx],0x0   ds:=??
1008d02e 7508 jnz do_bind_function_or_class+0xa78 (10092e38)
1008d030 5e   pop esi
1008d031 33c0 xor eax,eax
1008d033 5b   pop ebx
1008d034 83c408   add esp,0x8
1008d037 c3   ret
1008d038 8b4e04   mov ecx,[esi+0x4]  ds:0123136e=
1008d03b 57   pushedi
1008d03c 894c2410 mov [esp+0x10],ecx ss:00bcd483=
1008d040 8b5604   mov edx,[esi+0x4]  ds:0123136e=
1008d043 42   inc edx

*> Stack Back Trace <*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
0012FF4C 004020BB 0001 00793AD8 007929E8 00404000 !virtual_fopen 
0012FFC0 77E992A6   7FFDF000 C005 ! 
0012FFF0  00401FD8  00C8 0100 kernel32!GetCommandLineW 

*> Raw Stack Dump <*
0012feac  e8 3c 79 00 01 00 00 00 - 88 4b 03 78 ff ff ff ff  . Stack Back Trace <*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
00EBFF44 1008F035 00EBFF68    user32!PtInRect 
00EBFFB4 77E837CD 00CDEA10 00790178 00CDCE00 00CDEA10 !zend_timeout 
00EBFFEC      kernel32!TlsSetValue 


[2001-01-16 15:45:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I installed php 4.04 just as is. No settings are changed.

I fill the globals varibel with these functions:

[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #8746 Updated: Crash on comparing GLOBALS Variabel

2001-01-17 Thread korenhof

ID: 8746
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Reproduceable crash
Description: Crash on comparing GLOBALS Variabel


Toep:  (PID=2004)
Tijd: 16-01-2001 @ 22:00:18.053
Uitzonderingsnummer: c005 (schending van toegang)

*> Systeemgegevens <*
Computernaam: SEKONT
Gebruikersnaam: Administrator
Aantal processors: 1
Processortype: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3
Windows 2000-versie: 5.0
Actieve gecompileerde versie: 2195
Service Pack: 1
Huidig type: Uniprocessor Free
Geregistreerde organisatie: 
Geregistreerde eigenaar: Sebastiaan Korenhof

*> Taakoverzicht <*
   0 Idle.exe
   8 System.exe
 152 SMSS.exe
 180 csrss.exe
 200 WINLOGON.exe
 228 services.exe
 240 LSASS.exe
 404 svchost.exe
 448 SPOOLSV.exe
 488 CTSVCCDA.exe
 504 svchost.exe
 560 regsvc.exe
 588 mstask.exe
 620 stisvc.exe
 692 vsmon.exe
 740 WinMgmt.exe
 540 MsPMSPSv.exe
 356 ZIPTOA.exe
 860 minilog.exe
1056 explorer.exe
1028 devldr32.exe
 516 tisdnmon.exe
 316 CTNotify.exe
 532 ahqtb.exe
1004 cwd.exe
1216 PlexTool.exe
1224 Mediadet.exe
1248 zonealarm.exe
1260 getright.exe
1212 Apache.exe
1096 Apache.exe
1172 homesite45.exe
 296 mysqld-nt.exe
1540 IEXPLORE.exe
1952 mdm.exe
2004 php.exe
1648 DRWTSN32.exe
1820 DRWTSN32.exe
   0 _Total.exe

(0040 - 00405000) 
(77F8 - 77FFF000) 
(1000 - 100F8000) 
(77E8 - 77F3C000) 
(77E1 - 77E74000) 
(77F4 - 77F7C000) 
(7500 - 75009000) 
(74FE - 74FF4000) 
(7800 - 78046000) 
(77DB - 77E0A000) 
(77D4 - 77DB) 
(74FD - 74FD8000) 
(77A5 - 77B45000) 
(779B - 77A45000) 
(1F7D - 1F804000) 
(76B1 - 76B4D000) 
(77C7 - 77CBA000) 
(77B5 - 77BD9000) 
(7759 - 777D8000) 
(780A - 780B2000) 
(1F8C - 1F8D8000) 

Statusdump voor subproces-ID 0x684

eax=00793d98 ebx= ecx=00793b30 edx=00793b30 esi=00793d98 edi=
eip=1008d02b esp=0012feac ebp=0012ff4c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs= efl=0206

functie: virtual_fopen
1008d010 a198c90e10  ds:100ec998=0002
  mov eax,[php_ini_path+0x718 (100ec998)]
1008d015 83ec08   sub esp,0x8
1008d018 53   pushebx
1008d019 56   pushesi
1008d01a 6a00 push0x0
1008d01c 50   pusheax
1008d01d e82ec8   callts_resource_ex (10089850)
1008d022 8b5c241c mov ebx,[esp+0x1c] ss:00bcd483=
1008d026 8bf0 mov esi,eax
1008d028 83c408   add esp,0x8
Fout ->1008d02b 803b00   cmp byte ptr [ebx],0x0   ds:=??
1008d02e 7508 jnz do_bind_function_or_class+0xa78 (10092e38)
1008d030 5e   pop esi
1008d031 33c0 xor eax,eax
1008d033 5b   pop ebx
1008d034 83c408   add esp,0x8
1008d037 c3   ret
1008d038 8b4e04   mov ecx,[esi+0x4]  ds:0123136e=
1008d03b 57   pushedi
1008d03c 894c2410 mov [esp+0x10],ecx ss:00bcd483=
1008d040 8b5604   mov edx,[esi+0x4]  ds:0123136e=
1008d043 42   inc edx

*> Stack Back Trace <*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
0012FF4C 004020BB 0001 00793AD8 007929E8 00404000 !virtual_fopen 
0012FFC0 77E992A6   7FFDF000 C005 ! 
0012FFF0  00401FD8  00C8 0100 kernel32!GetCommandLineW 

*> Raw Stack Dump <*
0012feac  e8 3c 79 00 01 00 00 00 - 88 4b 03 78 ff ff ff ff  . Stack Back Trace <*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
00EBFF44 1008F035 00EBFF68    user32!PtInRect 
00EBFFB4 77E837CD 00CDEA10 00790178 00CDCE00 00CDEA10 !zend_timeout 
00EBFFEC      kernel32!TlsSetValue 

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-16 15:45:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I installed php 4.04 just as is. No settings are changed.

I fill the globals varibel with these functions:
function ReadSettingsFile($filename){
if (file_exists($filename)){
$FileContest = file ($filename);
while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($FileContest)) {
$line = ereg_replace("[nr]", "", $line);