ID: 9076
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Calendar related
Description: GregorianToJD function returns incorrect values

I found more thoroughly-researched algorithms for 
calculating to and from Gregorian/Julian calender dates 
to Julian Day Count values:

I suggest that the PHP Calender functions be based 
upon the algorithms here, as meticulous care seems 
to have been taken to formulate and proof them.

In the meantime, I have written my own 
implementations of the GregorianToJD and 
JDToGregorian functions in PHP. I have tested them 
using the examples in Table 2 of Chapter 1 of Baum's 
work and they pass.

function php_gregoriantojd($input_year, $input_month, 
$input_day) {
        // Make sure supplied arguments are of the correct 
form. Day may be a fractional value,
        // but month and year must be integers.
        $input_year = intval($input_year);
        $input_month = intval($input_month);
        $input_day = doubleval($input_day);

        // Adjust the start of the year so that it is in March.
        if($input_month < 3) {
                $input_month += 12;
                $input_year -= 1;
        // Calculate and return the Julian Day Count.
        return $input_day + floor((153 * $input_month - 457) / 
5) + 365 * $input_year + floor($input_year / 4) - 
floor($input_year / 100) + floor($input_year / 400) + 

function php_jdtogregorian($jdc) {
        // Make sure that the Julian Day Count value is proper.
        $jdc = doubleval($jdc);

        $z = floor($jdc - 1721118.5);
        $r = $jdc - 1721118.5 - $z;
        $g = $z - 0.25;
        $a = floor($g / 36524.25);
        $b = $a - floor($a / 4);
        $gregorian["year"] = floor(($b + $g) / 365.25);
        $c = $b + $z - floor(365.25 * $gregorian["year"]);
        $gregorian["month"] = floor((5 * $c + 456) / 153);
        $gregorian["day"] = $c - floor((153 * 
$gregorian["month"] - 457) / 5) + $r;
        if($gregorian["month"] > 12) {
                $gregorian["year"] += 1;
                $gregorian["month"] -= 12;
        return $gregorian;

The line breaks on all of that will probably be all 
mangled when I post, but it should make sense when 
straightened out...

Previous Comments:

[2001-02-02 11:05:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GregorianToJD Calender function returns incorrect 
results. As far as I can tell, this applies to the 
GregorianToSdn internal function in the PHP source.

There's not really any point putting a sample PHP script 
here, as it's the algorithm that seems to be at fault. I 
took two specific cases and worked through the 
algorithm by hand (i.e. pen and paper). Here are the 

2nd February 2001 (2/2/2001) = 2451943
7th June 1980 (7/6/1980) = 2473618

As I understand it, the Julian Day Count is a uniform 
count of days from some time around 4714 BC. Now, 
how can 2/2/01 be a lesser number of days than 

I have no idea what the correct results for these test 
cases are, nor any idea what particular part of the 
algorithm is wrong. It's just wrong somewhere!


Full Bug description available at:

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