From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: RH Linux 6.2 on Sparc
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     *Session related
Bug description:  User session handler doesn't call write function

I'm trying to setup a user session module using a postgre (6.2.3) database.  the 
script that I'm supplying defines the functions for storing session data.  If I force 
the session data into the database the read function works and I can retrieve the 
session data.  However, the write function never gets called so data is never stored 
in the database.  This is simular to problems reported in #8772 and #9002. There is a 
difference though.  Those reports indicate that register_globals was off.  In my case 
register_globals was on.  Here is the script I'm using to test the session module.


$sess_pg = array();
$sess_pg["open_connection"] = true;           // Establish a Pg connection on session 
$sess_pg["hostname"]        = "localhost";    // Pg hostname
$sess_pg["port"]            = "5432";         // Pg port
$sess_pg["db"]              = "php_sessions"; // Database where to store the sessions
$sess_pg["table"]           = "sessions";     // Table where to store the sessions

function sess_pg_open($save_path, $sess_name)
    global $sess_pg;

    // Establish a Pg connection, if $sess_pg["open_connection"] is true
    if ($sess_pg["open_connection"])
        $sess_pg["connection"] = pg_pconnect( $sess_pg["hostname"], 
                                              $sess_pg["db"]) or 


function sess_pg_read($sess_id)
    global $sess_pg;

        echo "HELP ME<br>";
        $query  = "SELECT data ";
        $query .= "FROM ".$sess_pg["table"]." ";
        $query .= "WHERE id = '$sess_id'";
        echo "$query<BR>";

    // Select the data belonging to session $sess_id from the Pg session table    
    $result = pg_exec($sess_pg["connection"], $query) or 
die(pg_errormessage($sess_pg["connection"])) or 

    // Return an empty string if no data was found for this session
    //if(pg_numrows($result) == 0)
    if(!($sess_pg["present"] = pg_numrows($result)))
        echo "Nothing<BR>";

    echo "Records: ".$sess_pg["present"]."<BR>";

    // Session data was found, so fetch and return it
    $row_number = 0;
    $row = pg_fetch_array($result,$row_number);

    echo "DATA: ".$row["data"]."<BR>";


function sess_pg_write($sess_id, $val)
    global $sess_pg;

        // Write the serialized session data ($val) to the Pg ession table
        $query  = "INSERT INTO ". $sess_pg["table"] ." (id, data, t_stamp) ";
        $query .= "VALUES ($sess_id, $val, now())";
        $result = pg_exec($sess_pg["connection"], $query) or 
        // Write the serialized session data ($val) to the Pg ession table
        $query  ="UPDATE ".$sess_pg["table"];
        $query .=" SET data = '$val', t_stamp = now() ";
        $query .=" where id = '$sess_id'";
        $result = pg_exec($sess_pg["connection"], $query) or 

function sess_pg_destroy($sess_id)
    global $sess_pg;

    // Delete from the Pg table all data for the session $sess_id
    $query  ="DELETE FROM ".$sess_pg["table"]." ";
    $query .="WHERE id = '$sess_id' ";
    $result = pg_db_query($sess_pg["connection"], $query) or 

function sess_pg_gc($max_lifetime)
    global $sess_pg;

    // Old values are values with a Unix less than now - $max_lifetime
    $old = time() - $max_lifetime;

    // Delete old values from the Pg session table
    $result = pg_db_query($sess_pg["connection"], "DELETE FROM ".$sess_pg["table"]." 
WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t_stamp) < $old") or die(pg_errormessage($sess_pg["connection"]));

$foo = 10;    
session_set_save_handler("sess_pg_open", "", "sess_pg_read", "sess_pg_write", 
"sess_pg_destroy", "sess_pg_gc");
echo "foo: $foo";

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