Hello, we are a small group of person (ibm + external)
triing to port some of the major open source softwares to os390
unix. The risult of that will be an updated red book .

I'm looking around if there are some info about building php
on this platform : apache, both 1 & 2, is already running.
Tring to compile, I was able to avoid the use of ld (not present
in os390) and to have the correct libtool working, but it stops
complaining that 
ERROR CBC3022 ./posix.c:792   "pw_passwd" is not a member of "struct
ERROR CBC3022 ./posix.c:795   "pw_gecos" is not a member of "struct
ERROR CBC3022 ./posix.c:824   "pw_passwd" is not a member of "struct
ERROR CBC3022 ./posix.c:827   "pw_gecos" is not a member of "struct
CBC1793(I) Compilation failed for file ./posix.c.  Object file not

in effect in /usr/include/pwd.h we have this structure :
struct passwd {
             char  *pw_name;
             uid_t  pw_uid;
             gid_t  pw_gid;
             char  *pw_dir;
             char  *pw_shell;

Do you have any info about someone wo already tried this porting ?
Thanks in advance
Fulvio Malfatto
OTC - Italy

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