Oops.  This problem was due to LARGEFILE being enabled in the web server.
Patches to 4.0.4RC4 were supplied by another developer, who said he was
going to put them into CVS, but I do not know if they made it in yet.
After several rounds of testing/updating, the patches appear to fix the



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On 30 Jan 2001, Bug Database wrote:

> ID: 8144
> Updated by: sniper
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old-Status: Feedback
> Status: Closed
> Bug Type: Apache related
> Assigned To:
> Comments:
> No feedback.
> --Jani
> Previous Comments:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2000-12-06 19:42:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Could you please try the latest release candidate:
> http://www.php.net/distributions/php-4.0.4RC4.tar.gz
> I have been running PHP on Solaris 2.6 as Apache DSO for
> a long time without any kind of problems..
> To get useful backtraces, add --enable-debug to your configure line.
> --Jani
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2000-12-06 16:57:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> We've been trying to get PHP installed into our web server configuration, and been 
>having a devil of a time.  We're able to get everything compiled:
> ./configure
>   --prefix=/opt/php/4.0.3pl1
>   --with-apxs=/opt/httpd/1.3.14/sbin/apxs
>   --with-mysql=/usr/local
>   --without-gd
>   --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/httpd/etc/php.ini
> but as soon as the module is enabled in the srm.conf, apache starts to dump core.  
>Almost any content - not just PHP - starts to cause a core dump.  Even if .php is 
>never called, we seem to have the problem.
> A truss isn't entirely useful:
> close(12)                                       = 0
>     Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xEF15DAD4
>       siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000068
>     Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
>       siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000068
> chdir("/export/httpd")                          = 0
> sigaction(SIGSEGV, 0xEFFFF160, 0xEFFFF1E0)      = 0
> getpid()                                        = 9894 [9887]
> kill(9894, SIGSEGV)                             = 0
> setcontext(0xEFFFF360)
>     Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
>       siginfo: SIGSEGV pid=9894 uid=72
>         *** process killed ***
> It seems to happen after a lstat64() or a close() on a file.  Apache refused to dump 
>core, even though permissions seem to be set fine, etc.
> We've also spend a couple of hours with gdb trying to step through it, but we're 
>having no luck getting symbols to show up (it's a bit out of our abilities, I guess, 
>since it's running as a DSO).  We have a baseline httpd server that we only put DSOs 
>into, so I can't really rebuild it statically without much gnashing of teeth; at this 
>point, I don't know if that would fix the problem.
> I'm not sure where to turn next.  Web and bug searchs show up a few similar-sounding 
>problems related FDs, but our httpd has plenty of room for more file descriptors.  
>Any suggestions as to what could be causing this bug, or how to track it down, would 
>be most helpful.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Full Bug description available at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=8144

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