Ack...I saw the problem right after I hit send.  I guess the compiler error
had me looking at the wrong argument (rsrc not **rsrc).  I'd still
appreicate an explaination of ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE though.


"Ricky Dhatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm writing my own extension and using the Zend API docs at They
> are very vague on using resources. I can create/destory them just fine,
> the docs
> leave out exactly how access the resource data. I've been looking at
> ext/curl/curl.c and ext/crack/crack.c for guidance but I can't get
> ics.c:75: incompatible type for argument 1 of `zend_fetch_resource'
> Rasmus mentioned that argument 1 should be of type zval **, but that
> seem
> consistant with the source I looked at? If someone could explain how
> ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE works I'd be grateful.
> ZEND_FUNCTION(ics_fadd)      /* simplified  */
> {
>         zval **rsrc, **arg2, **arg3;
>         ics_msg *resource;     /* a struct */
>         if((ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3) || (zend_get_parameters_ex(3, &rsrc,
> &arg2, &arg3) != SUCCESS))
>         {  WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; }
>    ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(resource, ics_msg *, **rsrc, -1, le_ics_name,
> le_ics);
>    RETURN_LONG(ics_fadd(resource));
> }

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