There is a bug in the PHP sybase_ct module. Bug #11489

          The following script produces the following error the second time
          getAppName/sybase_fetch_row is called.

          Error (warning):

             /users/pmoosman/test_data/test1.php(26) : Warning - 3 is not a valid 
Sybase result



          function getConnect()
            $db = sybase_connect('xxxx','yyy','zzz');
            return $db;

          function getAppName($app_id)
            // static $db;
            $sql = "select name from web_apps where application_id=$app_id";
            $db = getconnect();
            $result = sybase_query($sql, $db);
            $row = sybase_fetch_row($result);
            return $row[0];



Note: If I uncomment the "static $db" line, the error (warning) goes away.

I ran this script through the debugger and it looks like the db resource
handle is getting incorrectly cleaned up.

I compared php_sybase_ct.c to php_mysql.c and I noticed that php_mysql.c ups
the reference count on db resource link and php_sybase_ct.c does not. So,
my guess is that that is the problem. However, I'm new to PHP and I'm not
very familiar with the Zend code, so I would appreciate someone with some Zend
knowledge to look over my proposed fix.

In my copy of php_sybase_ct.c version 1.43 I added the following two lines:

Line #599:  zend_list_addref(link);

Line #638:  zend_list_addref(SybCtG(default_link));

Paul Moosman

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