Hi all,

I'd like to expose some questions I have, to get your impressions
and see how advanced is PHP about this (main development team?):

some posts have been submitted here about multithreaded servers and
PHP. I've been working with IIS and PHP as ISAPI module and Apache 1.3.20 for Win32.
Both are multithreaded.

Yesterday I read a post about Apache having a pool of persistent connecions for every 
child process,
so anyone would say that these multithreaded web servers have only ONE pool of shared 
as all the requests are handled in one process. Am I wrong?

Some unstability issues have been detected using these multithreaded servers, and it's 
clear that many of
them have been addressed, just comparing the last 4.0.x versions with the first 4.0.x 

However I find strange things when I work with persistent database connections. 
Sometimes I see that
new connections are opened everytime I "pConnect" and closed when I quit the script. 
In other cases
I find that connections are opened, not closed when the script ends, but they are not 
re-used (so
the number of opened connections increase till the servers rejects them). And the 
third case is that some
PHP versions just went mad trying to manage the connection pool and just crashed the 
web server proccess.

I'm working with MSSQL Server and Oracle 8i, so I cannot talk about other PHP modules 
than these.
Could somebody tell me where I can find some docs about this issue? Or maybe some 
people from
the main development team could post some impressions about this.

It's a pity that some platforms are not tested to a full extent (and I'm not talking 
just about Win32, there
are other multithreaded environments!) in other platforms than Linux-Apache. I would 
be nice
to widen the posibilities of PHP.

What do you think-know about this?

Thanks for reading!

F.J. Ortiz

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