ini_set() cannot be used to handle register_globals or register_argc_argv, 
because by the time this function gets called - it's already 'too late' for 
doing these tasks.  You have to use a method of setting these directives 
before the script even begins to execute, via php.ini, httpd.conf or .htaccess.


At 10:49 19/07/2001, J. Jones wrote:
>I am not subscribed to this list, so please CC: or reply directly to me.
>I may be doing something wrong.. I'm not real sure.  Neither $argc or $argv
>seem to be registered with the cgi version of php 4.0.6 and up.
>The test script:
>ini_set ('register_globals', 1);
>ini_set ('register_argc_argv', 1);
>var_dump ($argc);
>var_dump ($argv);
>exits with the following:
>Warning: Undefined variable:  argc in ./foo.php on line 5
>Warning: Undefined variable:  argv in ./foo.php on line 6
>regardless of any command line options passed to it.
>Older scripts that work fine with php 4.0.5 fail with 4.0.6, with identical
>build options and php.ini settings.  The above script also behaves as expected
>on php 4.0.5.
>Any ideas? Am I missing something? Does this work for other people?
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