Isn't this what mod_rewrite is for?

Also, what we do is have urls like:

We use a force type on the feil articles to make it get parsed as PHP.  We
then read $PATH_INFO in which is /23930.html to set up our vars.

You could have:

Although it makes for a longer URL, it does not require all the files you
talked about and does not require any C.

Brian Moon
------------------------------------------, Inc.
Makers of dealnews & dealmac |

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen van Egmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 12:09 AM
Translation Handlers]

> Back when the mailing lists were down, I started a discussion about
> adding a feature to PHP to do URI translating.
> The brief definition of URI translation is that you get to rewrite URIs
> dynamically.  This is how you you would host, for instance, 10,000
> florist home pages:
> and
> without having 10,000 directoriies under the server root.  In Apache,
> these would be rewritten to a directory containing the style of page
> the florist chose, with some extra apache notes to tell you which
> florist page had been visited.
> The question I wanted to raise was how to do this.  And although it
> looks like initially a simple task, it generalizes to a few other
> concepts which Apache + mod_perl has done wonders with.
> This was the most recent post on the topic, and I wondered if there
> were other thoughts out there?
> Failing that, I will probably pursue the approach of building this into
> the Apache SAPI and letting other web servers follow suit.
> ----- Forwarded message from Emiliano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:34:00 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Emiliano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding URI Translation Handlers
> Stephen van Egmond wrote:
> > One thing which I am bumping into is the need to do URI rewriting, kind
> > of like what mod_perl does.
> >
> > I would like to implement this myself in mod_php, and I'm looking for
> > some advice on the implementation.  I considered the following:
> >
> > a) Allowing the automatically prepended file (see php's
> > auto_prepend_file config option) to change $ENV['REQUEST_URI'] before
> > the script is actually executed. This, intuitively, seems clean, but
> > would probably happen too late in the request process (it will have
> > already decided to call the error file).
> Yep. This would be executed in the response phase, but apache itself
> would have decided in the translation phase way before that not to
> handle the request.
> > b) adding a new config directive that... what?  defines a file to be
> > read which is supposed to define a function? Is eval'ed?
> The way I see it you have a couple of options:
> - Use mod_perl, mod_python, mod_tcl(I think) to script a translation
>   handler.
> - Write a translation handler in C (we do this with Midgard)
> - Extend mod_php4 to do what mod_perl et al do so you can write
>   handlers in PHP. Conceptually, this is not too hard, but will
>   definately be more work than the other two. You set up the zend
>   engine just like the response phase handler does, set a few relevant
>   variables before you start it (like $ENV['REQUEST_URI'] for example,
>   kick off the script (either be just executing the code, or calling a
>   function therein), then read the relevant variables after the script
>   exits and act on them. You'll be doing this in C.
> Emile
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
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> | The Annotated BeBook:
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