*Core Committee* would like to set a *monthly meeting* time of 6pm UTC 
Tuesdays. Which Tuesday to be decided.

Icicle does not exist anymore. Needs to be merged or removed from member 

Those in attendance stopped proceedings twice for non-agenda items: once to 
note a general support for the concept of simplicity in PSRs, and one to 
vote on the perceived awesomeness of the new secretary in attendance. Both 
items received universal support.

Unless otherwise noted, secretaries will attempt to follow up on PSRs 
*monthly* until they on track for a vote or officially discarded.

PSR - 5 PHP Docs (*Abandoned*)

   - Open Doc Maintainer looking to take over. 
   - Might split into Format & Tags.

PSR - 6 Caching Interface (Open for Pre-Vote Discussion)

   - PHP 5.4 compatibility is no longer an issue.
   - Larry is announcing a *2 week warning* pre vote

PSR - 9 & 10 Security: Advisories and Reporting Process (*Abandoned*)

   - Michael Cullum is attempting to take over.
   - Adam Englander has signed on to help.

PSR - 12 Extended Coding Style Guide (Review)

   - Complete-ish but waiting on 2 implementations
   - Larry has concerns which may require revisions - he has raised these 
   previously but will resend to the group.
   - Michael Cullum believes this will be ready for vote in *3 months* - 
   secretaries will follow up at that time.

PSR - 14 Event Manager (*Abandoned*)

   - Larry may step up to take over.
   - Michael Cullum might join working group, but will follow up with 
   Nicholas from Symfony first.
   - Needs buy in from someone from Zend, Symfony, and something else. 
   Possibly, phpBB?

PSR - 17 HTTP Factories (*Abandoned*)

   - There is an open vote for the working group which would resurrect this 
   - Proposed working group is: 
   - Editor: Woody Gilk
   - Sponsor: Matthew Weier O'Phinney 
   - Members: Stefano Torresi, Matthieu Napoli, Korvin Szanto, Glenn 
   Eggleton, Oscar Otero, and Tobias Nyholm.
   - *If you are a Core Committee member and have not voted, please do so*.

PSR - 18 HTTP Client (*Abandoned*)

   - Tobias identified an issue and will be notifying the group to source 
   needed changes.
      - Tobias is waiting on *Sara to offer feedback*.
   - This PSR needs 2 implementations to move forward.

PSR - Streams / Async (Pre-Draft)

   - Sara is working on a Streams PSR 
      - building on PSR 7 
      - with an interest in incorporating ASYNC considerations
   - Intended as preliminary work for incorporating ASYNC considerations 
   into core.
   - Working group should include people from Zend and Symfony.
   - SWOOLE async framework also php plugin suggested implementation / 
   input resource -> Jeremy.
   - Tentative working group:
      - Sponsor: Chris Tankersly
      - Editor: Sara Golemon
      - Members: Jeremy Mikola, Liz Smith, Joe Ferguson

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