
I'm running PHP 5.1.2 on Suse 10.
The LDAP server is openldap 2.3.19

I've problem with swedish characters and DN.

DN: cn=åäö,dc=example,dc=com

$res = ldap_search($ds, 'dc=example,dc=com', '(objectClass=*)');
$dn = ldap_get_dn($ds,$res);

==> $dn is cn=\C3\85\C3\84\C3\96,dc=example,dc=com

How do I convert $dn to a readable format?
I've tried utf8_decode, but it doesnt work.
utf8_decode works on the entries returnd by ldap_get_attributes.

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Running on PHP 5.1.2, Apache 2.0.55, Ubuntu Dapper.

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