Maurice Rickard wrote:
> While I do appreciate people's contributions, let me frame the
> discussion a little.  The person I need to convince is an
> administrator of an organization within North America, and he's never
> heard of PHP.  The response I'm hoping to provoke in him is something
> like this:  "You mean _________ is using this PHP thing?  Wow!  They
> know what they're doing, so we'd better use it, too!"
> Does this help frame things?  Thanks for the suggestions!

It would seem to me that you should not be trying to sell him on PHP.
Does he really care? Does he know enough to be impressed? What
comparisons would this guy have? Is he technically savvy enough to
really understand?

I would think that the most important thing here is what does he want
his website to do? Is there a reason to use PHP? Does he need dynamic
content with a database on the backend?

I am sure that you thought of these questions, but just my $.02.


> -Maurice
> At 10:59 AM -0600 7/26/01, Unni wrote:
> >If every one is giving their website about mine
> >
> --
> Maurice Rickard
> --
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