I'm running a couple of php scripts from the cgi-bin directory on
Slackware linux 8.1, under apache 1.3.20. The most simple example of a
script is:

If I install php-4.3.0, this will run fine, however compiling php-4.3.2
with the same options:
./configure --with-mysql --with-gd --with-zlib 
Gives the error 'No input file specified', in the browser window. This is
not browser specific:
pc055$ telnet conc1 80
Connected to conc1.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /cgi-bin/testphp
No input file specified.
Connection closed by foreign host.

The script will run from the command line without a problem:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$ ./testphp
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.2


Any ideas what could be going wrong, or further debugging suggestions?
I'm assuming it is not the web server install, as it works fine with
4.3.0. I need version 4.3.2, due to the snmpset bug in earlier versions.

Thanks for any advice

Dave Hartburn

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