I'm trying to use move_uploaded_file, but so far with no success, no matter
what I try.
The file info. is loaded from a form via POST.
Here's the snippet that get's called:

     $res = mysql_query("select allowed_imgs,max_image_size,files_umask from
     list($allowed_types,$max_image_size,$files_umask) =

     $image_name = @basename($image);
     if(@move_uploaded_file($userfile, $image_directory.$image_name))
        //if (chmod($random_image_directory.$image_name, 0644))
         mysql_query ("insert into " . $table_prefix. "randomimage_list
(file_name) values ('$image_name');");
$image_directory is defined elsewhere:
$image_directory = "/randomimage/images/";

On error, the values echo out as, typically:

image = C:\\phpdev\\www\\images\\add.gif
image_name = add.gif
image_directory.image_name = c:\phpdev\www\randomimage\images\add.gif

Other 3rd party code I have 'uploads' correctly on the local server, and
also remote server.

What am I missing or overlooking?

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