[PHP] how to avoid using temporary?

2011-01-17 Thread I am on the top of the world! Borlange University
heres my sql query: EXPLAIN SELECT t1.szs_guige,SUM(t1.szs_shuliang) FROM szs_ck_ruku_items t1,szs_ck_ruku t2 WHERE t1.szs_rukubianhao = t2.szs_rukubianhao AND t2.szs_date'2010-10-23' GROUP BY t1.szs_guige ORDER BY null result: id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1

[PHP] strange problem of mysql_query

2010-06-02 Thread I am on the top of the world! Borlange University
hey, i have a sql string like below: select szs_content from szs_gy_ca where szs_shengchanhao='09-s525' and szs_guige='48B32/14-1 1/8' and szs_tuhao='48B32 1 1/8' the problem is that using mysql_query to run this sql string returns nothing,however, i can get one record through mysql query tool.

[PHP] Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader problem

2010-03-16 Thread I am on the top of the world! Borlange University
i have a problem of reading values from excel file via spreadsheet_excel_reader which is a php class used to manipulate excel files. $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $data-setOutputEncoding('CP936'); $data-read(d:\\tmp.xls); $rows=$data-sheets[0]['numRows']; $cell =

[PHP] how to retrieve a dom from innerHTML......

2010-01-19 Thread I am on the top of the world! Borlange University
hello, i can obnot retrieve a select ject from div innerHTML. what i want to do is that when a page is loaded, first selector,say #1, would be shown in the first div by sending a request.then i choose one option from #1, fire change event of #1, the second selector #2 will be shown in div two,