aiwi> Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
aiwi> started at /home/ewako/public_html/cintadp/config.php:153)
aiwi> in
aiwi> /home/ewako/public_html/cintadp/mod/forum/forum_functions.php on
aiwi> line 547

aiwi> help me!!!

Check there are no spaces or newlines before the opening tag <?php in
your file. That is often the cause of that error. That is, after
checking you're not sending content in your code before trying to
"setcookie", of course! :)

Maybe you're dealing with a bit of <?php ... ?> embedded into an HTML
page here. If this is so, you should use buffered output to be able to
send cookies. Tell us if is the case.


Joaquin Bernal

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