
i am new at this list and php...

can anybody help me with my problem:

i would like to show last 10 referres at my website.

now it writes to reflog.txt:


and to show-refs.php is


i would like that it writes like this:


and maximum lenght should be 40. If url is longer, it shoud be


i have use these files:

  LGF Referrer Log
  By Charles F. Johnson
  Copyright 2001 LGF Web Design
  All Rights Reserved.

  This file may be freely distributed
  as long as the credits and copyright
  message above remain intact.

// Name of referrer log file
$reflog = 'reflog.txt';

// Name of semaphore file
$semaphore = 'semaphore.ref';

// Maximum number of referrers to log
$maxref = 10;

// Domain name of this site (minus "http://www.";)
$mydomain = 'tuurna.com';

// From whence did Bunky come?
$ref = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");

// Cover me. I'm going in.

if (($ref) and (!strstr($ref, $mydomain))) { // if there's a referrer, and
it's not someone bouncing around this site
 $ref .= "\n";        // append a line feed
 $sp = fopen($semaphore, "w");    // open the semaphore file
 if (flock($sp, 2)) {      // lock the semaphore; other processes will stop
and wait here
  $rfile = file($reflog);     // read the referrer log into an array
  if ($ref <> $rfile[0]) {    // if this referrer is different from the last
   if (count($rfile) == $maxref)  // if the file is full
    array_pop($rfile);    // pop the last element
   array_unshift($rfile, $ref);  // push the new referrer onto the front
   $r = join("", $rfile);    // make the array into a string
   $rp = fopen($reflog, "w");   // open the referrer log in write mode
   $status = fwrite($rp, $r);   // write out the referrer URLs
   $status = fclose($rp);    // close the log
 $status = fclose($sp);      // close the semaphore (and release the lock)



  LGF Referrer Log Display Page
  By Charles Johnson
  Copyright 2001 LGF Web Design
  All Rights Reserved.

  This file may be freely distributed
  as long as the credits and copyright
  message above remain intact.

// Name of referrer log file
$reflog = "reflog.txt";

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Last 50 Referrers</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
body {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
p {
  font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 10px;
  line-height: 14px;
  color: #000000;

$rfile = file($reflog);             // read the referrer log into an array
echo "<p>\n";
foreach ($rfile as $r) {            // loop through the array
 $r = chop($r);              // remove trailing whitespace
 if ($r <> "Direct request") echo "<a href=\"$r\">$r</a><br />\n"; // if not
a direct request, link it up
echo "</p>\n";

empty file

empty file

-kari t

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