Hi all,

I tried to add functions to a class, but it doesn't seem to work. Here's an example:

class Test {

 function Test () {
  $funcName = 'writeFoo';
  $$funcName = create_function ('', 'echo ("foo.\n");');
  $writeFoo ();
  $writeFoo2 = $writeFoo;
  $writeFoo2 ();
  $this->writeFoo = $writeFoo;
  $this->writeFoo ();

$test = new Test ();

This outputs:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Test::writeFoo() in ..../test.php on line 11

Both $writeFoo () and $writeFoo2 () are executed, so it principally works, but once used in the object, it doesn't work anymore.

Any idea how that is supposed to work?


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