Unfortunately I'm not well informed about php and everything that comes with
My site is created by someone who is totally out of the picture at ther
moment and I have a problem
On my site it was possible to create "aktueeltjes" (newsflashes) and add
them on the "aktueeltjes" part of my site
I logged in as user or administrator (depended on what I planned to do). I
filled in the formula, ...my password... and a new 'aktueeltje' was on line.

A few moths I haven't used it. (edited or added someting) Yesterday I did
everything as usual
Now I can still log in... but whenI  have edited someting or added a
newsflash... I fill in my password ...send.... and it refuses to do anything

Instead of that I get a warning:

Warning: fopen(news.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to create stream:
Permission denied in /www/htdocs/~~~~~/site/_actueel/admin/ed.php on line 88

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
/www/htdocs/~~~~~/site/_actueel/admin/ed.php on line 90

(instead of ~~~~~~ my sitename appeared off course... but to avoid problems
with certain individuals :-)))

Can anyone give me a hint please?
I have no experience at all with this kind of problems
You can also mail me if you like:  " writetokoyaan(A)hotmail.com

Tnxxxxx a lot

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