Dear PHP community,
We are two French students.
We study computer sciences at the "Université Louis Pasteur" of Strasbourg.
During our fourth year, we had to create a project.
We chose to develop an extension for the PHP community.
"att_codec" is the name of our extension. It is written in C language and usable with PHP4.
It is based on the widely used C-library UUDeview.
This extension provides with a lot of functions that are able to code/decode large mails attachments (Formats: base64, UUEncoding, XXEncoding, Yenc).

It is heberged by sourceforge. You can download the sources, the binaries and the documentation in the following address :
You can also consult our web site in the following address

Yours sincerely,
Stéphane Degré,
Renaud Hager

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