I have a form connecting to a db. I'veparsed the form
data into arrays and seperated new entries from edits
to existing entries because of the class file and db
structure. This as written, however,  will only work a
for a single record (multiple field) edit. I've stayed
up too long and am beginning to glaze over when I look
at it. Any suggestions? Comments on functionality as
well as elegance are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Randall Gremillion

        $serverIP = "";
        $vendorID = $_GET["vendorID"];
        $repID = $_GET["repID"];
        if ($_POST) {
                $updateEntries = array();       //stores existing db
                $newEntries = array();          //stores new db
                $ord = -1;
                $recNum = 0;
                $newOrd = 0;
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                if ($value != "") {
                                $lastPartPos  = strrchr($key, '_');
                                $lastPart = substr($lastPartPos, 1);
                                if (preg_match("/[0-9]+/" , $lastPart)) {  //if
it's an existing update
                                        $lastpartnum = strrpos($key, '_');
                                        $firstnum = substr($key, 0, $lastpartnum);
                                        $first = str_replace('_', '.', $firstnum); 
//restore periods to field name and strip off record
ID at end
                                        if ($lastPart != $recNum) {
                                                $recNum = $lastPart;
                                        $updateEntries[$ord][] = array($recNum, $first,
$value); //populate nested arrays of each entry
                                } else {
                                        $second = str_replace('_', '.', $key);  
array of new entry
                                        $newEntries[$newOrd] = array($second, $value); 
//populate nested array of new entry
                //add to update list
                if ($newOrd > 0) {
                        $Adder = new FX($serverIP);
                        $Adder->SetDBData("Account_Reports.fp5", "All");
                        for ($k=0; $k < count($newEntries); $k++) {
                        $Added = $Adder->FMNew();
                if (count($updateEntries)>0) {
                        for ($i=0; $i<count($updateEntries); $i++) {
                                $b = "Add" . $i;
                                $c = "Updated" . $i;
                                $$b = new FX($serverIP);
                                echo "$b = new FX($serverIP);";
                                $$b->SetDBData("Account_Reports.fp5", "All");
                        $boo = $updateEntries[$i][0][0];
                                $$b->AddDBParam('-recid', $boo);
                                for ($j=0; $j<count($updateEntries[$i]); $j++) {
                                $$c = $$b->FMEdit();

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