[PHP] I cannot figure this one out! I'm going crazy! :)

2001-10-29 Thread Richard Marks
mebbe you can figure out why this dont work! :) Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in /(PATH NOT SHOWN TO PUBLIC,SORRY) /www.gzmsoftware.f2s.com/php/fractal.php on line 2 ? function box( int $im,int $x,int

[PHP] hmm, thanks, but now i have even more troubles :\

2001-10-29 Thread Richard Marks
thanks, but go here, and see what it does now. http://www.gzmsoftware.f2s.com/php/fractal.html can ya help mee? thanks, Sincerely, GZM Software® WebMaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gzmsoftware.f2s.com

[PHP] arg, this is crazy :\ - i dont get it, is the variable, uhm, NOT GLOBAL or something?

2001-10-29 Thread Richard Marks
what in the world is wrong here? ? Header (Content-type: image/png); $img = imagecreate ($width,$height); $color = imagecolorallocate ($img,$tx_r,$tx_g,$tx_b); $pixel_color = imagecolorallocate

[PHP] and now i get

2001-10-29 Thread Richard Marks
hmm I found out that I had to add global $img; in my functions, but dangit now I get this error! br bFatal error/b: Cannot break/continue 1 levels in b/(MY PATH)/www.gzmsoftware.f2s.com/php/fractal.php/b on line