I want to be able to change the Environment Path for all scripts. Is this possible with a setting in .htaccess or php.ini? Here are some restrictions that are in place to keep in mind when replying to the question.

1. I am not the admin so I have no access to the Apache conf files.

2. suPHP is installed on the system so php_flag and php_value htaccess directives do not work. In fact, they cause the site to give an Internal Server Error when they are used. However, my site area is configured to use another php.ini file which I control.

3. Safemode is OFF so getenv() and putenv() will not work nor is it feasable to use the commands in every script.

I need to be able to add /usr/pkg/bin path to the existing one.

Also, contrary to what some people think, suPHP does not use the user's defined path for when the user logs in the shell. I know because I have several locations put in the path along with the one I want and it does not show in either the Perl environment nor phpinfo().

I would prefer a .htaccess or php.ini solution if at all possible.

Robert Pendell

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