This is a scaled down example of something I'm doing in some code. The
results are very funky. I guess I could understand this happening if
$two was out of scope when print_r($this) was called in
One()...actually no I couldn't.

Class One {
    function One() {
        $this->test = array();
        $two = new Two( $this );
        print_r( $this );
    function set( $index, $value ) {
        $this->test[$index] = $value;

Class Two {
    var $one = null;
    function Two( &$one ) {
        $this->one = $one;
        $this->one->set( 'foo', 1 );

$obj = new One;

two Object
    [one] => one Object
            [test] => Array
                    [foo] => 1


one Object
    [test] => Array


This only happens if you assign the reference passed to the second
class as an instance variable. If you call the reference directly, the
variable persists. ie:

Class One {
    function One() {
        $this->test = array();
        $two = new Two( $this );
        print_r( $this );
    function set( $index, $value ) {
        $this->test[$index] = $value;

Class Two {
    var $one = null;
    function Two( &$one ) {
        $one->set( 'foo', 1 );

$obj = new One;

one Object
    [test] => Array
            [foo] => 1


Any Ideas?

Ryan Briones

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