
I have been bashing my head trying to figure this out, and I'm hoping
somebody can show me the correct way to do this:

A PGP signed set of variables is passed to our URL via GET.
I use HTTP_GET_VARS to grab the PGP string, which is contained in a variable
called "trnResponse".
I run that through pgpv to end up with the raw string, which I store in a
variable called $rawstring

The string looks like:

That's where I get confused about the best way to pull the variables out of
the string.

I was using something like:  $thearray = explode ("&",
rawurldecode($rawstring));   (this still leaves me with "+" in some places,
but I can use str_replace to get rid of them)

I was exploding on "&", but that leaves me with an array with things like
trnId=10000019 in each "cell"  It does explode properly, but now, how do I
pull these things out of the array and get them defined as variables??
Or...do I even need to put them into the array in the first place?

THANK YOU for any help someone might be able to provide!!

Shawn Pritchard

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