[PHP] expression engine

2010-02-12 Thread Sudhakar
hi i am from auckland new zealand, has anyone worked on expression engine cms please advice thanks

[PHP] mod rewrite

2010-01-01 Thread Sudhakar
hi i am using a cms which requires mod_rewrite to be enabled for seo urls in the wamp that i use in my local machine in the httpd.conf file i have this line and removed the comment LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so when i view the phpinfo i can see that mod_rewrite is on in the

[PHP] not able to use mysql server

2009-12-29 Thread Sudhakar
hi i am using windows vista and installed wamp server, initially i installed wamp and accessed phpmyadmin and while setting a password for the root i did a mistake and could not access phpmyadmin and also renamed some php files so i uninstalled wamp server and re installed now the problem i am

[PHP] 404 page

2009-12-27 Thread Sudhakar
hi 1. i have a .htaccess file in my root directory on unix hosting following is the code in .htaccess file ErrorDocument 404 /filenotfound.html the file filenotfound.html is also in the root directory as the htaccess file when i intentionally type a wrong url either if a misspell a file ex=

[PHP] uninstalling wamp

2009-12-26 Thread Sudhakar
hi after installing wamp when i accessed phpmyadmin i got an error about root having no password, i have tried various steps but could not get to use phpmyadmin, so i uninstalled and reinstalled wamp, i deleted the old wamp folder when i access phpmyadmin i get the same error message i read

[PHP] sending email with php

2009-12-23 Thread Sudhakar
?php $headers = Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; $to=myemailaddress; $subject=Email Newsletter; $message = '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd; html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; head titleEmail

[PHP] question about smarty

2009-11-05 Thread Sudhakar
i am using smarty template engine at work place, following is the situation i already have 1 template that has already been created example = http://localhost/sites/template1.com this works fine following is the folder structure i have for smarty on xampp 1. C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\template1.com

[PHP] unsubscring from the list

2008-12-22 Thread Sudhakar
hi i would like to unsubscribe from this php list as i keep getting too many emails. how do i unsubscribe. also later on if i would like to ask a question about php if i unsubscribe will i be able to send a message and only receive replies to my question. please advice. thanks.

[PHP] question about google maps

2008-11-01 Thread Sudhakar
hi how do i go about displaying an address which appears on google maps for a business on a web page. what are the steps. if some one knows about this please let me know. thanks

[PHP] question about using sql server with php

2008-10-26 Thread Sudhakar
i have a question about how to use sql database with php instead of using my sql database when i use my sql database the php code to connect to the my sql database is = $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $password); if(!$conn) { echo Unable to connect to Database; } else {

[PHP] questions about using include() in php

2008-07-19 Thread Sudhakar
i am doing seo for a website and this website uses a lot of php for which i need suggestions. this is how the website is set up. in the index.php file there is a flash banner at the top of the page and the center part is another file which is called using include(links.php) and the bottom part

[PHP] accessing variable value

2008-07-19 Thread Sudhakar
i need help with accessing the value of a variable from a different page. i have an index.php file which has 2 files included to display header and footer and the center portion changes based on the link clicked on the footer. header.php ?php echo h2 Text from header.php file /h2; ? footer.php

[PHP] implementing a website search feature using php

2008-07-16 Thread Sudhakar
i want to implement a feature where a user searches with a keyword and search results are displayed according to the keyword or phrase entered by the user. following are the steps i want to follow. please advice if i am missing out any steps or i can add any step. 1. read the keyword entered by

[PHP] string comparison

2008-07-13 Thread Sudhakar
hi i am writing a small application where a user enters a phrase in the textfield and i would like to display all the files present in the root directory which consists of the keyword or keywords entered by the user. i have used a few comparison functions but i am not getting the expected

[PHP] question about session variables

2008-06-02 Thread Sudhakar
i have a registration page called register.php if the data entered is validated correctly i call a file called thankyou.php or else validate.php presently a user after seeing the url website.com/thankyou.php if they enter the url directly in the browser as website.com/thankyou.php they can

[PHP] form validation

2008-05-29 Thread Sudhakar
i need to validate a field in a form where a user enters a reference number this can be letters, numbers and special characters also so i have not written any special preg match as the username is a combination. the only check i am doing is if there are any white spaces and if a user simple

[PHP] sql injection

2008-05-29 Thread Sudhakar
i have implemented a way to avoid sql injection from the php website from this url http://in.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string from the Example #3 A Best Practice query section of this page following are the steps i have followed after the form values are submitted to a php file. step 1.

[PHP] validating # sign in php

2008-05-29 Thread Sudhakar
my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which a user would enter and clicks on a image to find if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not want instead the php file should read as abc#123.

[PHP] validating username

2008-05-27 Thread Sudhakar
my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which a user would enter and clicks on a image to find if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not want instead the php file should read as abc#123.

[PHP] syntax of sprintf

2008-05-20 Thread Sudhakar
until i started using the techniques for avoiding sql injection, i have been using a normal insert and select sql query which worked fine. i have a registration page where a user enters their username and if this already exists i display a message by executing a select query and if the username

[PHP] sql syntax using sprintf

2008-05-18 Thread Sudhakar
until i started using the techniques for avoiding sql injection, i have been using a normal insert and select sql query which worked fine. i have a registration page where a user enters their username and if this already exists i display a message by executing a select query and if the username

[PHP] syntax of sprintf

2008-05-18 Thread Sudhakar
until i started using the techniques for avoiding sql injection, i have been using a normal insert and select sql query which worked fine. i have a registration page where a user enters their username and if this already exists i display a message by executing a select query and if the username

[PHP] php training institutes

2008-05-17 Thread Sudhakar
hi can anyone suggest a best training institute to learn advanced php in INDIA and the city name is HYDERABAD. please advice. thanks.

[PHP] question about validation and sql injection

2008-05-15 Thread Sudhakar
A) validating username in php as part of a registration form a user fills there desired username and this is stored in a mysql. there are certain conditions for the username. a) the username should only begin either letters or numbers, and Underscore character example = user123, 123user,

[PHP] form validation using php

2008-05-14 Thread Sudhakar
hi i need to validate a field in a form where a user enters their lodgement number as part of a registration form. this lodgement number can have letters, numbers, spaces and special characters. i do not know exactly what those special characters are, so do i have to define the type of special

[PHP] validating textarea using php

2008-05-13 Thread Sudhakar
hi i need to validate textarea of a html form using php textarea name=comments cols=26 rows=3 id=comments?php echo($comments);?/textarea presently my php code to validate the text area is if($comments == ) { $error.=brPlease enter your comments; } with this code if a user hits the space bar

[PHP] validating using php

2008-05-13 Thread Sudhakar
thanks to everyone for providing the solution for validating textarea using php i have used the following and it worked $add = trim($_POST[add]); if(strlen(trim($add)) == 0 ) { $error.=brPlease enter your address ; } as part of the form the user has to fill in their name, assuming if the user

[PHP] question about select tag in php

2008-03-31 Thread Sudhakar
i have two select tags as part of a registration form, city1 city2 where city1 has a list of regions and similar for city2 there are different regions for city1 and city2 so instead of all the regions appearing one after the other i would like to create a blank option followed by the next set of

[PHP] restricting access to folders on server

2008-03-24 Thread Sudhakar
i am using apache server and presently when i try accessing any folders of my website i am able to browse the files ex = www.website.com/images which is a serious security risk as i am building a forum website using php and mysql. in the root directory i have created a .htaccess file and whenever

[PHP] question about linux editor

2008-03-24 Thread Sudhakar
i need to connect to the linux server using an editor. can anyone suggest which would be an ideal linux editor to connect to the server. apart from the ip address, username and password are there any other details i would need to connect to the server. please advice. thanks.

[PHP] best method for relative linking in php

2008-03-22 Thread Sudhakar
i have a registration page where a user fills a form and i display an error message if a validation message needs to be displayed which i have written in php. everything works fine. the way the form is made presently is there is a huge amount of information relating to general information about

[PHP] relative linking in php

2008-03-21 Thread Sudhakar
i am using a self submitting for using php form action=?php echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ? method=POST id=test2 name=registrationform the registration page starts with a lot of terms and other details about the registration and then the form fields for the user to fill the registration page. i have

[PHP] question about customized error

2008-03-20 Thread Sudhakar
if a user by mistake types the wrong url directly in the address bar ex= www.website.com/abou.php instead of typing www.website.com/aboutus.php instead of the browser displaying File not found or a 404 error message i would like to display a customized page which will still have the same look and

[PHP] passing variables values using POST

2008-03-18 Thread Sudhakar
i am presently passing the value of a variable to a php file using GET after data has been inserted to the database. ex= $firstname = $_POST[firstname]; if(!$sqlconnection) { echo error message; } else { header(Location: thankyou.php?firstnameis=$firstname); } how can i send the value of

[PHP] question about direct access to url

2008-03-18 Thread Sudhakar
hi my question is about displaying a friendly message when someone directly types a url in the browser. example i have one file called form.php which processes the information entered in the form and lets say the next page is thankyou.php?firstname=david by seeing the url if someone types

[PHP] question about php with sql database

2008-03-18 Thread Sudhakar
instead of using mysql database which is conventionally used as database with php, if sql server database is used with php are there any major differences to keep in mind. 1. are the connection statements ex = $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $dbpassword); etc does these remain the same or