that's easy.

don't redirect, just do an include() on the PHP file you actually 
want, or if you're using some fancy caching system and alrady have 
the output in a file, do a readfile().

then use Apache's ForceType.

I think it's like:

<Location /news>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php

something like that.

then make a file called "news" in the DocumentRoot directory that's like:

$path_array = explode('/', $REQUEST_URI);
$numPathElements = count($path_array);

then loop through the elements and do what you need, you might need 
to use strtok() if you're expecting slashes in your arguments.

put the name of the script in a var, either do a regex or parse_str() 
on the rest of the URI to set the vars you need (like aid=3911)

and then do a include() with the script name.

the URL will never change in the browser, it's one request, and you 
can make a very generic URL parsing script to make your URLs pretty. 
you can set DocumentRoot to this script and then you can have URLs 

where actually your script is doing the work.  maybe it includes a 
file called index.html and adds ads on the top or something.  and 
with output buffering you can get even more power, i use output 
buffering to change all my image tags on the fly to a different 
server, but for the people who write the HTML code, they don't need 
to care about it.  PHP is good stuff.

ask if you need more help.


At 9:13 AM +1300 3/4/01, Jenni &/or Patrick wrote:
>I'm going to start with a nice simple, hopefully, questions.
>Some of you may have seen - and its urls that are like
>,aid,3911,00.asp. This is achieved with a
>product called XCache (for IIS, visit, wich translates this
>url into
>Now, you can probably do this in regex, and use the mod_rewrite, but this is
>not available to me, so we can all forget that one right away ;-).
>I have created a 404-processor that does the conversion (and even checks if
>the resultant page exsists, by using a simple file_exists();).
>Apache (or was it PHP? Or a combination of the above?) used to, when you
>said Header ("Location: /localpath"), just serve up the content, without
>doing a redirect. Under Apache/1.3.17 & PHP/4.0.4 this does not happen.
>Is there a way to do this redirect internally - ie. the browser is not even
>aware that the URL is different from the one it requested, let alone the
>And no, frames are not really an option: because it would defeat one of the
>reasons I want  to do this internally, which is to prevent the need to do
>two requests.
>Hopefully someone will understand this (I'm sure there will be many), and be
>able to guide towards something that will work.
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