Hello *,

After trying out more then 30 Online-Shops (mostly written in PHP) I
have not found a suitable one for me because of laking in functionality
or grave security problems (I have cracked some of them myself being
not a cracker).

OK, I was looking for an open source one and for free.

NON-FREE would ne Internoliv InterShop which has all I want, but I do
not want to pay 10.000 Euro or more for it!  -  Yeah, tats its price!

What I need is:

1.  It must run as a VHost on my Main-Server where each VHost IS a
    UNIX-User wher ~/public_html/ is the Website, ~/bin-cgi/ the CGI
    Directory beside ~/bin/

2.  Must work with PostgreSQL which IS in another (and internal) server
    for security reason.

3.  Because I run it with two friends I need several INDEPENDANT
    main rubriks like "computer", "clothes" or "beauty" but can be
    visited and payed together.

4.  Must support at least 10.000 Items per rubric (and subrubics)

5.  Must support for an interface which is used be the peoples
    arranging the incoming stock over laptop (adding of new artikles)
    in the magazines

6.  Customers maybe enduser, reseller or distributors, where each can
    have individual rebates and without sales tax (reseller or

7.  Because we are selling international, I like to use PayPal
    (direct) and PayPal/CC.

8.  Customers can collect bonus points based on buy-value or on
    product to get special offers or reductions of future buyings.

9.  All articles of subcategories are shown on a preview table
    (customer customisable from 10 to 100 items)

10. All articles of subcategories can be chown one by one clicking on
    prev/next buttons

11. "number of articles in stock" must be shown for each item.

12. Special rebates based on Item-No and e.g. color
         itemno |  Item   | color  | price
         000001 | Socks   | red    |   1.00
         000002 | Socks   | orange |   1.00
         000003 | Socks   | green  |   1.00
         000004 | Socks   | black  |   1.00
         000005 | Socks   | white  |   1.00

    So if a client buy only one pair she/he woulkd pay 1.00 Euro
    and it is easy to make a new column if someone want to buy
    5 pairs of socks to get a special price.  But what I want is
    the functionality to resemble those 5 items to one and the
    customer can chose 5 pair of socks of different colors...

    There is no one Online-Store (except IS) which support such.

13. The boss (me) and my friends wnt to get realtime statistics of
    buyed and selled products (by itmes and Euro) given rebates...

14. The Web-Interface MUST support i18n AND bidi, which mean, it
    MUST work for fars, arabic and hebrew too.  No discrimination
    or limitations agains laguages.

15. All invoices, statistics, ..., blahblah can be printed via fpdf.

16. Must contain a ticket management for backsending of unwanted or
    defectiv items with RMA-Number or something like this.

17. Customers can register them self On-Line and can be validated
    by sending a predefined letter by post which contain a special-
    code which must be entered on the webform like eBay-France do it
    with its french customers.  Using the Credit-Card number is not
    enough to avoid frauds.

So it is a little bit more complex as the Online-Stores I have found.
I do not need a very compley Webdesign and I do not want to use tonns
of GIFs which are blinking around and making tables shown with round

It must be nice, easy to use for the Online-Shop-Team and the vustomers,
functional and working perfectly like Linux!

Does anyone know such Online-Shop?

Currently I have not the money to let some one code this stuff via
<http://www.GetACoder.com/> which is a realy good website if you need
stuff coded or if you want to earn money...

And yes, this new Online-Store driven by me and my two friends are a
new business and I if I must code the stuf for my own, I like to put
it under GPL (100& DFSG-Free) and into Debian GNU/Linux.

Sponsors and Co-Workers are welcome.

Note:   There is no problem to get Pakistani or Indian Super-Coders
        (They are realy fit, - my own experience) to code the stuff
        for 1000-1500 US$.

If all is working fine, my website will be online again in march 2006
and if I need to code the stuff myself and/or with coworkers I will
create a project page for it.

Oh yes, the Online-Store should use php5, fpdf and postgresql 7.4 or

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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