weetat wrote:
> Hi all ,
>  I have data which have value in bytes for example ,
>    $bytes = 33554432;
>   How to convert this to MB ?

how to read the manual thanks.


no doubt you won't bother to read any of the user notes and therefore
miss *at least* 4 different implementations that do what you want - not to
mention that if you study the relevant code in the user notes you won't read
you might even learn how to count in bytes (which is IT 101 in anyone's book).

> THanks
>  - weetat (PHP Novice)

your website indicates your a professional, competent, bla bla company -
might I suggest that even the slightest ammount of competence precludes
the ability to STFW and RTFM (and the actually doing so); novice or no novice.


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