Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On 6/9/07, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sat, June 9, 2007 4:27 pm, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> > anyone know of some software to generate images like this:
>> > http://wh0rd.org/register.png
>> > idea is i have a list of registers and their bit meanings, and i want
>> > to automatically generate images like the above one from this data
>> >
>> > yes, i can write some custom code in PHP using GD, but i'd much rather
>> > use someone else's work than start from scratch
>> It's remotely possible that you could hack something from JP Graph to
>> look not completely unlike that...
>> Though I suspect you might find it easier to start from scratch,
>> honestly...
> yeah ive just started from scratch ... here's what ive got so far in
> case anyone happens to wander across this ...
> $reg = new register("WDOG_CTL", "Watchdog Control Register",
> 0xFFC00200, 0x0AD0, 16,
>    array(
>        array(15, 15, "WDRO", "0 - Watchdog timer has not expired\n1 -
> Watchdog timer has expired", W1C),
>        array(11, 4, "WDEN", "0xAD - Counter disabled\nAll other
> values - Counter enabled"),
>        array(2, 1, "WDEV", "00 - Generate reset event\n01 - Generate
> NMI\n10 - Generate GP interrupt\n11 - Disable event generation")
>    )
> );
> register_to_png($reg);
> http://wh0rd.org/register2.png
> maybe i'll start a cheesy sf project for it

That looks pretty damn good :)

Just a pity I can't think of a reason for me to use it! :p


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