Lester Caine wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:
Jochem Maas schreef:
has anyone here downloaded/compiled 5.3 and played with namespaces?
have you encountered any issues/problems?

so no-one? really? none of you muppets ever even smelled a namespace?

I'd like to hear from you as I've been asked to compile a reference documenting anything/everything people may have come across (so far as namespaces go), if you have some reproduce code, all
the better.

Have to work through the 5.2 -> 5.3 issues first before DELIBERATELY introducing something that breaks compatibility with customer sites ;)

Namespaces are sweet and all, but having worked without them for some time, I've certainly developed fairly ingrained ways of working without them.

Adapting to use them will take a long time, but I doubt I'm gonna jump in head feet straight away...



Colin Guthrie

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