If all else fails, try ODBC as a fall-back...

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----- Original Message -----
From: "David Robinson (AU)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 4:25 PM
Subject: [PHP] Accessing a Berkeley DB V1.85 using PHP V4.0.5

> Hello
> I am trying to access a Berkeley database V1.85 using PHP V4.0.5 (on
> 2000) without success.
> I have tried the dbmopen() routines and dba_open(..., ..., "dbm")
> dbmopen() etc. are successful but the results suggest that they do not
> support this database
> format. The dba_open() routine returns 'Warning: no such handler: dbm in
> "dba.php" on line 26'.
> php_db.dll and php_dba.dll are dynamically loaded.
> 1) Is DB1 another name for Berkeley DB 1.x?
> 2) Which database routines do I need to use?
> 3) Alternatively, can I use mysql V3.23 to manage the berkeley DB?
> I did not find any useful information in this regard.
> 4) I wish to avoid converting the database format if at all possible.
> 5) The database is a Redhat Source Navigator project.
> Any help offered would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> David Robinson
> --
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