Hello - I am having a lot of trouble with Auth_HTTP.  I am using
PostgreSQL and Auth works fine (after reading the source and figuring
out that passwords need to be MD5 encrypted).  I can't, however,
make Auth_HTTP work at all.  This is what I have.  I have tried
plaintext, md5, and crypt passwords all to no avail.  I also can't
find any further documentation other than what's on pear.php.net.
Any ideas?  I've e-mailed pear-general but no response so far.



        require_once "Auth_HTTP/Auth_HTTP.php";
        require_once "DB.php";

        $params = array(
                "dsn"                   =>      "pgsql://tim@localhost/auth",
                "table"                 =>      "auth",
                "usernamecol"   =>      "username",
                "passwordcol"   =>      "password"

        $a = new Auth_HTTP("DB", $params);

# select * from auth;
 username |               password
 scott    | password
 tim      | $apr1$fVALv...$EajPmS/Yib8BzQ4YcfIAy.

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