I'm trying to trouble shoot a problem with a site hosted on a local ISP.
They're running Slackware-8.0,apache-2.0.35 and PHP4.2.0RC4 and virtual

The problem is the site not seeing index.php as default directory index?
The SA assured me
that both the DirectoryIndex and AddType are setup up correct?

My question is what do they need todo to correct this, and how can I
recreate this error?
I'm running  Slackware-8.0, Apache-2.0.35 and PHP4.2.0?

Also I beleive there maybe some secruity issues with their PHP
configure, phpinfo() returns the following
for "Configure Command" (NO --enable-track-vars or

'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs'

Thanks in advance,

David Jackson

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