
I'm facing a little problem.
I have this code which enables me to attach a file and send the file as an
attachment with the Mail.

What I need to do is slightly different.

Firstly, I want to send 2 files as attachment, and not one. Secondly, I
don't want the user to select & attach the file, I want the files to be
already attached in the script. I.e., 2 pre-determined, pre-attached files
should go along with the script.

Here's the code I am using thus far for attaching 1 file...
Can anyone suggest what I should do differently?


$allowtypes=array("zip", "rar", "txt", "doc", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif",
$fromemail="[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

$submitvalue=" Send Email ";
$resetvalue=" Reset Form ";
$defaultsubject="Some Subject";
$thanksmessage="Mail Sent Successfully";

function get_ext($key) {
    return(strtolower(substr(strrchr($key, "."), 1)));


If($_POST['domail']) {

        If($allowattach) {

        If ($fname=="") {
            $error = "1";
            $error_text .= "You did not enter your name!<br />";
        If ($emailto=="") {
            $error = "1";
            $error_text .= "You did not enter your email!<br />";

        If ($emailto) {
                $error = "1";
                $error_text .= "Invalid Email Address!<br />";

        If($allowattach) {
            foreach($allowtypes as $it) {
                    $types .="*.".$it.",";
            If($attachment) {
                If(!in_array($ext, $allowtypes)) {
                    $error = "1";
                    $error_text .= "Invalid extension for your attchment,
only ".$types." are allowed!<br />";

    If($error=="1") {

    } Else {

        $headers = "From: ".$fromname." <".$fromemail.">\n";
        $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$fromname." <".$fromemail.">\n";
        $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
        $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
        $headers .= "X-Sender: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n";
        $headers .= "X-Mailer: phMailerv1.3\n";
        $headers .= "X-Priority: ".$priority."\n";
        $headers .= "Return-Path: <".$emailto.">\n";
        $headers .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n";

        If($allowattach) {
            If($attachment) {
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]($attachment,"r");
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]($fp, filesize($attachment));
                [EMAIL PROTECTED](base64_encode($str));

$yourmessage = "The main body content";

        $message = "--MIME_BOUNDRY\n";
        $message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";
        $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n";
        $message .= "\n";
        $message .= "$yourmessage";
        $message .= "\n";

        If($allowattach) {
            If($attachment) {
                $message .= "--MIME_BOUNDRY\n";
                $message .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
name=\"" . $_FILES['attachment']['name'] . "\"\n";
                $message .= "Content-disposition: attachment\n";
                $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
                $message .= "\n";
                $message .= "$str\n";
                $message .= "\n";
                $message .= "--MIME_BOUNDRY--\n";

        If(!mail($emailto,$emailsubject,$message,$headers)) {
            exit("There has been an error, please contact the admin");
        Echo("<div align=\"center\">".$thanksmessage."<br><a
href=index.php>Send Another Mail</a></div>");



function cp() {

<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: medium;
.style4 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:
x-small; }

<span class="style1">Informed Sources Inc.</span><br>
<table width="650"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<form action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
    <td><span class="style4">First Name </span></td>
    <td><span class="style4">:</span></td>
    <td><input name="fname" type="text" id="fname" size="18">
      <span class="style4">Last Name : </span>
      <input name="lname" type="text" id="lname" size="18"></td>
    <td><span class="style4">Email</span></td>
    <td><span class="style4">:</span></td>
    <td><input name="emailto" type="text" id="emailto" size="25"></td>
    <td><span class="style4">Subject</span></td>
    <td><span class="style4">:</span></td>
    <td><input name="emailsubject" type="text" id="emailsubject"
    <td><span class="style4">Attach</span></td>
    <td><span class="style4">:</span></td>
    <td><input name="attachment" type="file" id="attachment"></td>
    <td colspan="3" align="right" valign="top"><input name="domail"
type="submit" id="domail" value="Send Email"></td>

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